Transportation Charter Services (TCS)

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By Zach

Transportation Charter Services (TCS), a leading ground transportation service company based in Southern California, sought Internet marketing solutions to improve their web visibility, traffic, and increase online lead generation activity.


  • 106% increase in site visitors from all Channels between Fall/Winter 2014/15 to Fall/Winter 2015/16
  • 126% increase in site visitors from Organic search engine traffic between Fall/Winter 2014/15 to Fall/Winter 2015/16
  • 148% increase in site visitors from “non-branded”, Organic search terms from Fall/Winter 2014/15 to Fall/Winter 2015/16
  • 82% increase in quote request conversion rate, from 3.5% to 6.4% of visitors.
  • 391% increase in website leads generated, year over year, from 125 to 489.
  • Dramatic increase in lead activity required expansion of inside sales team.
  • 10.78x Return On Investment from HDP activity.


Optimize TCS’s website to improve traffic from search engines and increase lead generation by through the following initiatives:

  • Develop and implement a search engine friendly website architecture that facilitates search engine understanding of TCS’s industry standing and promote high organic search engine positioning for all website pages
  • Website design and development to improve user experience, navigation, and conversions.
  • Ongoing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Conversion Optimization to reach the greatest possible number of qualified customers and offer simple, relevant, effective landing pages.
  • Develop an efficient lead generation and sales handling process that increases website conversion rates does not degrade user experience.
  • Google Adwords campaign development and management: Develop, test, and fine-tune hyper-targeted Google AdWords PPC campaigns to reinforce TCS’s competitive strengths and draw traffic from competitors
  • Content creation for new and existing landing pages based on market opportunity analysis.
  • Sales process consultation to assist TCS in efficient lead handling and sale closing.